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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cino Shearer scoops The 2014 most influential people in Africa nominee

World On Press
 Cino Shearer the Humanitarian and International South African born Publicists has been announced as one of the most 130 Influential people on African continent.

This came as a revelation to the eager young businessmen, who work tirelessly in saving Africa. His recent work includes the first young black South African to take action, the voice behind the Uganda Human rights protection. He is the Publicist to the Mandela’s grandson-King Zwelivelile Mandla Mandela.
130 Most influential  selection committee came to a unanimous decision to add Mr. Cino Shearer onto the 130 most influential list in Africa after learning that he  Tirelessly engaged the Uganda president over the Bill of sentencing Members of the LGBT community to death.   
The selection process is based on his community development and him as the humanitarian from the Eastern Cape South Africa to the top of the world. The judges and selection panel are now busy working on winners selection which will be announced later this year. A round table engagement will follow with all the nominees to applaud and motivate them for their work. 

 Cino Shearer, Executive Director of the Executive Consultants and has been recognised by Worldwide Branding for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in management. “This came as a surprise and at the right time when South Africa is just about to celebrate 20 years of Democracy, I am humbled by such nomination,” said Cino Shearer
Executive Consultants is an entertainment management consultancy. In his role as executive director, Mr. Shearer’s areas of expertise include interpersonal communications, business strategy and business development.
Mr. Shearer has 10 years of experience in management consulting, including two years as executive director of Executive Consultants. On a daily basis, he serves as a legal liaison by reviewing international contracts. He also provides business development and retention services, global branding initiatives and strategic input to board meetings. Prior to forming Executive Consultants, Mr. Shearer served as an HR consultant for Sasol as well as a consultant for Nedbank South Africa. 
"We at  130 most influential in African continent recognise his efforts to fight this Bill on the African continent not with standing the fact that he is publicist to so many African leaders  and entertainers this allows him to shape the way they influence others. Our aim is based on 1Goal theme for this  year 'World Leaders getting Active' and promoting education for all " in closing Shearer is the only nominee who is below 35 years of age and from south Africa.  Dann Mchuku-project and media Liaison officer 

His highlights includes:
·       The Cino Shearer Foundation 
·      International South African born Publicist.
·      Masters Degree in Psychology.
·      Chairman of Cino Shearer Foundation
·      Owner of International Consultants
·      Founder of Don Mattera legacy program literature.
·      Founder Valliama Muniswsmi Mundliar audio stories.
·      Founder of Eatern Cape top Designer Search.
·      Recipient of International Exchange Award.

·      Nominated as 2014 -130 most influential people in Africa. 

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