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Sunday, June 13, 2010

World On Press

World cup opens with Sport for Peace.
Ian Jindela

The UN (United Nations) on June 8 hosted Sport for Peace Gala night prior to World Cup kick off-attended by President Jacob Zuma of the Republic of South Africa; The Secretary General of the UN Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation-Achmat Dangor; The President of Russia; President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Company Mr. Steve S. Yang; Her Excellency-Honorary Guest speaker Graca Machel and other 400 international guests. The event was held at the historical women’s prison-Constitutional Hill in city of Gold.

The World Cup kicked off and the UN highlighted the important of sport promoting peace and development on African continent. The UN embraces Africa of hosting the biggest tournament and kicked of with the Sport for Peace project in Africa for Africans. Sport for Peace will ensure quality and clean environment, reducing hunger and diseases through different projects. According to the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban World Cup will push for the Millennium development goals. The millennium development goals were adopted by 189 nations at the UN Millennium Summit. Leaders from rich and poor countries committed themselves to a set of eight time-bound targets to end extreme poverty by 2015. South Africa adopted these goals and form blue print to all efforts to meet the needs of Africa’s poorest. Mr. Ben’s remarks at the Gala night “If we work together we can score a victory over poverty. We can defeat ignorance, discrimination and want. We can ensure every man and woman, every boy and girl has an opportunity on the playing field of life”

The President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma welcomed the guests and promised a successful World Cup. His Key message was on education and introduced 1 Goal education projects. 1 Goal Education for all is an initiative linked to the FIFA World Cup 2010 to ensure that very child has the opportunity of an education. Already 8 million people have joined and signing up to the campaign. The aim is to use the power of education to change life, 1 Goal is co charred by Queen Rania of Jordan, FIFA President Sepp Blatter and Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu. President Zuma believes education is the only means out of poverty. It is the only way to break perpetual, vicious cycle of poverty which condemns the children of the poor to re-live their lives of their parents.

In his video speech the former President Nelson Mandela pointed out education as the great engine of personal development. “Educating all of our children must be our main priority. Building a better South Africa the continued interest of education on our children must be at heart. No child should be denied education” stated former President Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. He will be celebrating his birthday which marks Mandela International day on July 18.

The Honorary guest Graca Machel spoke on behalf of International advocacy for women’s and children’s right. She focused mostly on education in Africa, especially gender education. Most countries in Africa deprived young girls of their right to education. Meanwhile drop outs in schools on African continent has decreased. 31 percent out of 48 percent schools improved since 2002 and 2007. She then provided long term education and universal assets as a solution to better education in Africa. During International education summit in 2002 a promise was made to each country attended to present its education plan up to date the promise never delivered by the summit. It will be a shame if this 2010 World Cup will not deliver its promises concluded Mrs. Graca Machel.


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